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At The Moment

Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York, NY

April 25 - May 30, 2009

“Through these images, I wanted to explore how our thoughts relate to our physical presence in the world, and I wanted to express that in a way that would give the viewer an opportunity to become an active participant in the journey.” – Edwin Schlossberg

At the moment, we do anything we are composing from an immense array of possible objects, processes, ideas, words. And we are choosing those that we think to communicate what seems to be the most important, or the most appropriate, or the most beautiful, or the most emotional. At the moment, we do anything our body is assembling from the possible resources, systems, history, tissues, molecules and...

At the moment, we do anything we are composing from an immense array of possible objects, processes, ideas, words. And we are choosing those that we think to communicate what seems to be the most important, or the most appropriate, or the most beautiful, or the most emotional. At the moment, we do anything our body is assembling from the possible resources, systems, history, tissues, molecules and atoms to produce the overall desired effect, action speech, wish, dream, sneeze, or reaction. At the moment, we decide to explore a new way to communicate the thoughts we have had, or are having, or imagine we will have, we need to assemble the integrated assemblies of cells and wishes, chemicals and dreams, energy and words to make it all happen. At the moment, is an assembly of twenty-two works that I have been creating over the past two years. I wanted to create the experience of having thoughts from the perspective of the neuronal systems that were supporting them. I hope that they will convey the intense mystery that exploring these moments inspires in me and that they might stimulate the same feelings in you. They are made of aluminum sheets, three by four feet, with Scotchlite on the surface and acrylic as the expressive medium.

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You absolutely certain

You absolutely certain

You beside sense

You beside sense

You different opening/closing

You different opening/closing

You sense self

You sense self

You holding onto time

You holding onto time

You suddenly matter

You suddenly matter

You being alone

You being alone

You approach an edge

You approach an edge

You possess self

You possess self

You when conscious

You when conscious

You turn out

You turn out

As you arrive

As you arrive

You becoming

You becoming

You when arriving

You when arriving

You most here

You most here

You get attached

You get attached

You without reflection

You without reflection

You realized

You realized

You considering stillness

You considering stillness

You being focused

You being focused

You awake not waiting

You awake not waiting

You asking why

You asking why

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Beneath Suddenly

New Work

Once Upon a Time